Trick - or - treat...
Kambree- Little Devil (only wore the hood for pics)
Cade- Pirate Man (third year in a row)
Travis- Ninja
Braden- himself (not pictured)...still went trick or treating...still got candy
Darin - himself (not pictured)...still went trick or treating...still got candy

We went ALL out this year!
I have 'smarties' taped to my pants=SMARTIE PANTS
Don has 'dum-dums' taped to him=DUM-DUM
My sign says, "He's the dum-dum"
His says, "She's the smartie pants"
Needless to say we did NOT win a prize! Thanks to Katie for the idea.
Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween, let me know if you need any CANDY!!
Hahahahaha! Well I thought it was funny!
Hummmmm, good luck getting those earrings back in! Hope they don't have allergy problems with the earrings like their grandma does!
I could always wear the cheapest earrings sold but your poor mom could barely wear any at all without her ears itching like crazy. Let me know which way your girls go!
Aunt Pam
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