Saturday, October 11, 2008


I was just about to leave to go take the real estate test, when I hear Don teasing Kambree telling her she needs to go to school with the rest of the kids and they were laughing and giggling, until....Don says, "I'm sorry Kambree", Kambree is crying...then I hear "Alisa come here" This is what I saw -

(not a very good shot)
He had opened the front door right over her toes and managed to put a BIG gash in between her toes. Blood and tears were flowing pretty good. While I went to take my test, Don & Kam's went to urgent care. Because of the placement she got glue instead of stitches.

We are excited for Fall Break we have cousins coming out of town for a BIG 60th birthday party for my parents!!

More updates to follow.....


SHERI said...

Ouch- poor Kambree! I have done that too- except I closed the door behind me a caught the back of my heel- so painful.

Congrats on real estate school!

roseanne said...

That's kids for you, someone is always bleeding! (but normally it's the boys!)
Poor thing!

Wow real estate school? I knew you were one of those amazing moms! Way to go!

Tamara said...

love your blog. so sorry kambree suffered the door meeting the toes tragedy - that would have made it hard for me to focus on the test - but i know you have nerves of steel!!